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Treat yo'self...

My giggling team of lifesavers (also fondly known as 'housemates') and I have established a weekly tradition. Fridays are not just the beginning of a weekend. It's a day to 'treat yo'self.' As much as this absurdly hilarious ritual was intended as an annual day of celebration for Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle, no holds barred, we at 614 have taken it upon ourselves to tone down the meaning of 'treat' and find something to celebrate every Friday. It's definitely not about cashmere socks or expensive crystal beetles with no use. My future husband, Ben Wyatt, is right-- that is insane. Treat Yo'self Friday is about celebrating our lives. Sometimes it's a happy hour martini to toast our friendship, other days it's a new lipstick color for my lips only to honor my growing independence. On the days my wallet reminds me to settle down, it's as simple as a quiet moment with a cup of coffee at my favorite shop. So today, on this fine first Friday of May, I encourage you to try it out-- treat yo'self. It's a great reminder to love yourself and find something each day that's worth celebrating.

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